Jean-Luc emailed last Friday to enquire if anyone was available for a trek across the Clent Hills. Apparently by Sunday only Indy and I had confirmed we wanted to tag along. Indy met me at work at mid-day on Sunday and we hopped into my car and made our way down the Hagley road. Half way there we spotted Jean-Luc in his run around and decided to follow him all the way to the car-park.
It was a sunny day so we travelled light with few base layers and T's and made off up a 35% incline through a lovely wooded area. It wasn't long before we reached the famous "The Four Stones" at the top of Clent Hill
The Clent Hills are also well-known for their role in the legend of St. Kenelm, who was murdered on a hunting trip at the north eastern slopes of Clent Hill in 821 AD. The church of St. Kenelm in the parish of Romsley marks the site of his murder. The church is the starting point of the sixty mile walk St Kenelm's Trail. One source of the River Stour is within the grounds of St. Kenelms church
As we moved on through breathtaking scenery we passed horse riders, fields full of horses and ponies, some fabulous country houses and oceans of bluebells growing wild.
The journey was meant to be about 5.5 miles long ,but urrrhm we kinda lost 1.5 miles and ended up bypassing a whole chunk of forest. Indy and Jean-Luc insist it was the path that lost them... urrrhm well they would wouldn't they, anyway Jean-Luc was navigating using his National Trust guide book and of all the treks we have done this was the first time we have got lost...
We made it back to the car-park for four o'clock and grabbed a bite to eat and a refreshing cuppa at the visitor centre before making our way home.
During the day I noted that Indy still has not had his Yellow fever jab, and some of us still need to buy some of the outdoor wear particularly the waterproofs. Also we really need to get everyone in one place to do another trek, we were'nt really sure how much training each member of the team was getting in... musn'nt forget the 5P rule... Its getting close to departure day and as Jean-Luc noted ( being of French origin) on one of his recent eamils to me that the day we fly out - "18th June 2010 is the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo!!!" ...
It amazes me that I have lived in the region so long and did not realize how much great countryside we have so close to the city...
I got home for five, showered , had a short nap and was out the door again for some Latin studies..lol
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