Well it's Saturday 6th March , 107 days left to go , and so far we have raised 3% of our target sum. Mean temperature on the peak in February 2010 : -5 deg. Humidity 65%, wind speed 19kms/hr
Earlier in the week I phoned the AXA PPP travel insurance help desk to check if my company travel insurance was still valid for this adventure. I told them I was going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and the nice lady congratulated me and seemed genuinely excited.
I said I wanted to check if my travel insurance was still valid. She asked me what is the height I would be ascending to.. I asked her to hang on while I googled it. About 5,900m I said. She informed me that unfortunately the policy only covered me to 5,000m and that I would have to get cover elsewhere.. How frustrating...
I informed Jean-Luc and he contacted our travel organisers. Apparently they can arrange specialist cover for an additional £86. Well that's another £86 quid that could have been used for the capital fund but now won't be. I wonder if AXA-PPP read this blog they may change their mind. I mean if I don't even get to 5,900m, but break a leg at 4,999m will they cover me then you wonder......
After having wound Qasim up about having "Man Flu" I have to admit I have come down with it as well. I've had it since late Wednesday. Besides that I did not miss work.. - I rarely do.. but I felt very rough: fever, perspiration, lack of appetite, runny nose, throbbing head, lack of concentration,frustrated and irritable... Oh and when at home did I mention bored...
Never one to take medicines I downed the paracetamol.. tried to sleep it off and I am just about recovering... I am hoping another night's rest will get me over it because I have arranged with Indy to go walking in Malvern tomorrow. We'll go for a good trek and settle for a nice country pub lunch... I need to start testing my endurance , wear in the boots and test my gear...
I dropped into work to make sure everything is OK and post another project on Guru.com - a fabulous site to get professional freelances for great value. I posted a project to create a graphic design for a mug for our trek.. If I get this sorted we can get some produced to sell and raise money for the charity.. lets see how it goes.
I also popped into Jessops today to pick up a polarizer lens for my camera, the one I will take on the trek.. I will try this out tomorrow in Malvern. Finally I nipped into Blacks off Colmore Row to check out their trekking gear... they have some nice stylish stuff... anyway the hats and gloves were on offer - buy one get other half price.. so I got a kick arse pair of arctic gloves and a thermal insulated hat.. On my way out I bumped into a good friend - Kavita on her way to the hairdressers - "Saks" - she is so excited because she is having breakfast with the Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Monday.... nice for some, get him to sponsor us Kav hahaha
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