It’s funny how you can know someone for so long and yet know so little about them. So…. Today I was giving my friend Vinod a lift into town. Now I have worked with Vinod for over 10 years and boy is he a character… going on 59 years he has a deep guttural voice that you develop after years of smoking, hard drinking and grafting and a laid back attitude of someone who has seen it all. He works hard and at times can be infuriatingly irritating, but he is one of those guys who will watch your back in a tight corner and they are rare. We have been in a few jams in the past and for all his faults … he is a good friend. He has deep age lines or more like deep furrows hahaha…. and a face full of character and well I was going to say wisdom , but I will settle for experience of life… anyway what is the point of all this ranting you are asking yourselves…? Well I was telling him how I planned to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for charity and well… that got him going about his past…. Apparently he was bought up in Tanzania as a kid and often went past the mountain on his travels. When he grew up he became a truck driver and use to haul loads to and from locations surrounding the mountains. Although he never went up the mountain himself he did say the views were magnificent and there was always snow at the top.. Then he started giving me tips for the journey….” Make sure you take two hats, and two pairs of gloves .. inner and outer”. He said good boots are a must ( as if I did not know). “During the day it will be nice and warm but after seven in the evening it gets cold so wrap up “ All except when you reach the peaks then “it will freeze your B………..ks off” . But my ears really pricked up when he told me about the ants. He said make sure you wear your socks high up and wrapped about your trouser legs, because apparently if you step in a nest of ants they are going to go straight up the inside of your leg and you are going to be hopping mad.. ewwwwwwwww…… and to top it all the bloody things bite…. Point noted Vinod an thanks mate.. will add it to my checklist. Anyway it turns out that Vinod was also a boxer when he was in Tanzania and use to compete regularly and then when he came to the UK he became a mechanic after eventually settling on becoming a HGV driver… Wow!!! I warmed to Vinod even more after our little trip but he can still be ranting pain in the arse !!! lol
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