So Monday 25/1/10 rush from work to meet the team at the Lench's trust... get there for 6pm.
It's the second official meeting of the group.... and it's our first meeting in 2010.
We have lost one member already but gained another. We introduce ourselves and get on with it.
We talk about :
Possible other members, one possible prospect decided not to proceed when it became clear how basic accommodation would be... tents & huts all the way...
I confirm I have paid my £150 deposit to the tour company...
We discuss how much we should target to raise for the charity... we decide on £50K down from £70K ... but hey we will go for max ..
Jean-Luc shows us pictures from his last attempt, we briefly discuss clothing, temperatures, oh too much to go into now...
Then we brainstorm money raising ideas ...
Charity auctions
Personal contacts, our businesses
Dinner Parties
Networking events
organised walks
Car boot sales
Talent shows......
Indi's already raised £1500 from family & friends..
Lots of ideas .............but ... need a few big hitters
Ahhhh...... the journey begins proper..
We finish for 7pm - job done , we disperse , I rush off to my Salsa class..